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Our angels are divided into six divisions and perform hundreds of different tasks every day, from keeping the resident souls happy to defending earth from the demons. Below are listed the divisions, along with a short description, where their offices are, a picture of the division's leader, the base and trim of their basic uniform.


Seraphim oversee all of Heaven and coordinate the other divisions. They're in charge of what happens behind the scenes -- the paperwork, networking, and praying. They're thinkers and worshippers, not fighters. The Seraphim office is in the Palace of Eden, right inside the front doors, but they frequently visit the other tiers.

Appearance: Gold base, blue trim

Pictured Below: Raena


Guardians answer all emails and respond to the prayer hotline. They also are in charge of running the Reincarnation Program. They only see combat when answering the hotline, so have a dagger but no armor. The Guardian office is located in the Lower City of Saints, near the Judgement chamber and the Bifrost.

Appearance: White base, green trim

Pictured Below: Eirene


Valkyries work with the demons to help the guard Tartarus, go to earth to bring heroic souls to Judgement and then (possibly) to Elysium, and defend Heaven when necessary. Valkyries wear our best armor, made by our master smiths, and they wield twin swords. They have two offices, one outside the Palace and one between the Judgement room and the tunnel to Hell.

Appearance: Gold/white base, purple trim

Pictured Below: Callen


Powers patrol the borders of heaven and act as law enforcement. In times of war, they operate doubly as soldiers. Their armor is lighter than a warrior's, but still sturdy. They carry a sword for combat and a chain for capturing. They're the largest division in Heaven. They share the office between the Judgement room and Hell with the Valkyries, and have an office in the Lower City as well.

Appearance: Gold/bronze base, green trim

Pictured Below: Aziel


Aides oversee the souls and regulate anything pertaining to them, including lodging and leisure activities. They also direct the cleaning nymphs. They're the second largest divsion of Heaven. Their office is at the very edge of the Lower City, so as to be close to the soul tiers.

Appearance: White base, purple/gold trim

Pictured Below: Clarice

Empress Lilith

CEO of Angels Incorporated and Saintly Empresses of Heaven, Lilith doesn't run anything directly, but oversees the Seraphim and general running of the afterlife. She rarely leaves the City of Saints, but can easily be found wandering around it.

Empress Lilith

General Soren

General Soren is in charge of the safety of Heaven, both in peace and war. She commands the Powers and Valkyries. She has a firm grasp of all forms of combat, including psychological, and is an accomplished tactician.

General Soren
Sky Divider