imgs Angels Inc. - End of the World
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The End of the World

What exactly is the end of the world? The Norse thought it was a war called Ragnarok in which many of their most important gods were destroyed. In 2012, conspiracy theorists and gullible internet users were on about a made-up planet called Nibiru on course to hit the earth. In greek mythology, the end of the world-- or at least the huamn race-- has happened several times already, with the people of the gold, silver, brass, and iron ages having all died eventually. It's safe to say that almost every culture has a story about how the world will end, but the truth is far less dramatic.

About every 4.55 billion years, the forces of Death destroy and then rebuild the earth. The forces of Heaven and Hell take turns; this rotation it's Hell, and they plan on using fire and some weapons of mass destruction. Below are the plans for this Doomsday and the next.

Hell (Current Rotation)


Heaven (Next Rotation)


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